Resultaten IMO-inspectieprogramma's voor laadeenheden 2020 - 2023

Results IMO Inspection Programmes for Cargo Transport Units 2019 - 2022

Inspected Cargo Transport Units (CTU's) 2020 - 2023

Inspected Cargo Transport Units (CTU's) 2020 - 2023
No deficienciesCTUs with deficiencies - Packed inside the country where the inspection is performedCTUs with deficiencies - Packed outside the country where the inspection is performed
Brontabel als csv (261 bytes)

Types of deficiencies 2020 - 2023

Types of deficiencies 2020 - 2023
Dangerous Goods DeclarationContainer or Vehicle Packing CertificateSafety Approval Plate (CSC) and plating for portable tanks (IMDG Code)Placarding and marking of CTUsMarking and labelling of packagesPackaging (inappropriate or damaged)Portable tank or road tank vehicles not covered by CSC (inappropriate or damaged)Stowage and securing inside the freight containers, vehicles and other CTUsSegregation of cargoSerious structural deficiencies
English Dutch

Dangerous Goods Declaration

Vervoerdocument Gevaarlijke Goederen

Safety Approval Plate


Placarding and marking of CTUs

Kenmerking en etikettering van laadeenheden

Marking and labelling of packages

Kenmerking en etiketering van verpakkingen

Packaging (inappropriate or damaged)

Verpakkingen (onjuist of beschadigd)

Portable tank or road tank vehicles not covered by CSC (inappropriate or damaged)

Transporttank en tankwagen keuringen (onjuist of beschadigd)

Segregation of cargo

Segregatie van lading

Serious structural deficiencies

Ernstige structurele tekortkomingen

Stowage/securing inside the freight containers, vehicles and other CTUs

Stuwen/vastzetten in vrachtcontainers, voertuigen en ander laadeenheden.

Container/Vehicle Packing Certificate

Container/Voertuig belading certificaat

Brontabel als csv (615 bytes)